
Three Wheelar Batteries


Three Wheelar Batteries

Experience dependable power for your three-wheeler with our durable battery solutions.

Three-wheeler batteries, the heart of your auto-rickshaw or cargo vehicle, keep you moving efficiently throughout the day. Choosing the right one can significantly impact performance, reliability, and your wallet.Whether you're navigating the bustling streets of the city or delivering goods with ease, our batteries ensure that your three-wheeler is always ready to go.

Benefits of Tubular Solar Batteries:

Eco-Friendly Performance: Embrace the green revolution with our batteries that produce zero emissions.

Long-Lasting Durability: Engineered for resilience, our batteries boast a high life cycle, ensuring your three-wheeler performs optimally for years.

Powerful Capacity: Tailored for the demands of three-wheelers, our batteries deliver consistent power and performance.

Maintaining Your Three-Wheeler Battery

Regular Cleaning: Keep the battery terminals clean and free of corrosion for optimal connection.

Electrolyte Levels (Lead-Acid Only) Regularly check and top up the electrolyte level with distilled water (if applicable) as per manufacturer's instructions.

Secure Connections: Ensure the battery terminals are tightened properly to prevent loose connections that can hinder performance.
